Last Friday March 25th, Google announced that there is a vulnerability in their desktop version of Google Chrome, the ubiquitous browser. Affecting 3.2 billion desktops, the vulnerability had been seen to have been exploited “in the wild” by malicious agents. Details of the mechanics of the exploit were not initially shared.
A good article on the security issue is found here:
Call to Action:
Google Chrome automatically updates upon restart. So many of your end users will already be protected if they close applications and restart their machines regularly.
However, it is known that many users, especially in a home environment, or when using a laptop, simply walk away from open sessions , leaving them for the next session, or close the lids of laptops, which does not allow browsers to automatically update.
The corrective action therefore is to simply close all instances of Google Chrome and re-launch.
Then check your browser version on your desktop by opening your Chrome browser and clicking the ⋮ button in the top right of the browser window.
Then click on Help-->About Google Chrome.
Your version will be displayed, including whether or not your browser is up to date.
Version 99.0.4844.84 is the current version.
If in doubt, close all applications, and restart the computer from the start menu, and then relaunch your Chrome browser.
In the coming days, we will monitor the versions of Chrome and contact you if need be.
Have a safe and Happy Tuesday – and if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your helpdesk at or by emailing [email protected] .