To connect to your managed PCs remotely, there are two steps.

Install the take control viewer

You must install the take control viewer only once on a PC from which you wish to remotely take control of a managed PC.

Connect to the Dashboard 

You may select the Managed PC to take control of, and connect.

Taking control of a managed PC can be done from anywhere you have access to the internet, from a Windows ® PC




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Install the Take Control Viewer





Navigate to the dashboard, by opening a web browser, and enter (Note that there is no ‘www’)




You will be prompted for your username and password, enter it here. If you are going to use this PC often, you may want to click “Remember my password”.


*Security Warning* if this is a publicly accessible PC, do not check “Remember my password”.



Once connected to the dashboard, click on the Remote Access drop down menu, and then click to select Download Take Control Viewer.




Save, and then Run the TakeControl_Setup.exe application.


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Connect to the Dashboard





Navigate to the dashboard, by opening a web browser, and enter (Note that there is no ‘www’)





You will be prompted for your username and password, enter it here. If you are going to use this PC often, you may want to click “Remember my password”.


*Security Warning* if this is a publicly accessible PC, do not check “Remember my password”.










Once connected to the Dashboard, Click on “Workstation Monitoring” and then expand the “All Monitored Workstations” and click to select the Proper Site




On the right hand side, you will see all the workstations listed. Click to select the workstation you wish to connect to remotely.




Once you have selected the workstation, look to the upper right hand corner of the dashboard, and lick “Take Control”.


Finally, Select “Open” and the Teamviewer Take Control Application will give you remote access to your PC. When done, click the upper right “X” to close the Teamviewer Take Control application.